What is SPC Flooring? Benefits & Drawbacks of SPC Flooring?

 spc flooring

Solid Polymer Core or Stone Plastic Composite or SPC Flooring has a rigid core made from powdered limestone, polyvinyl chloride, and stabilizers. It might be referenced as Stone polymer composite flooring because of its dimensionally stable, dense, quiet, and strong.

SPC is a Premium type of LVP(luxury vinyl plank)that is 100% waterproof and more durable material than Luxury vinyl plank.
SPC flooring is a resilient material that gives a cold feeling and good feet sense compared to tiles. The SPC core provides this flooring with incredible durability, allowing it to maintain its shape even on uneven subfloors. 

Check out what is SPC flooring and how it was made. Here we have listed different types layers involved in SPC manufacturing and its benefits and drawbacks

This flooring is an excellent cost-effective option for main floors of residential homes with moderate use in kitchens, living rooms, and bathrooms. It’s also great for basements that need waterproofing, second homes, or rental properties because it’s minimal maintenance, can take a beating, and is inexpensive to swap out to keep a modern design.

Here are the layers commonly found in SPC flooring from top to bottom

Wear layer – While not every type of SPC flooring will include UV protection, all boards or tiles will have a wear layer. This is the most crucial layer in terms of protection, and an excellent thick wear layer may keep your flooring looking new for years after it’s been applied.

SPC Core – SPC flooring has a solid, watertight core that will not expand or ripple no matter how much moisture it is exposed to.
SPC flooring comprises a core of limestone and stabilizers, which gives it more rigidity. This core is ultra-dense and does not contain foaming agents like standard WPC flooring. It makes the flooring slightly less soft underfoot, making it more resilient.

Decorative layer– Although SPC flooring has a distinct core, it still contains a vinyl image layer. This offers your flooring a wood or stone appearance, and more expensive companies tend to have more realistic goods. In some situations, the design or picture layer may be applied directly to our next option.

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